GirlChat #368785
I feel it is time to address some things concerning Todd Nickerson, someone who's character I unfortunately defended long ago upon his arrival to the online girl loving community. It was an unpopular position, and upon hindsight, I feel, incredibly mistaken. His positions on girl love have dangerously swayed with the winds of mainstream media, and I believe he is a potential danger to any and all girl lovers who do not agree with the legitamacy or basis of current laws referring to age of majority.
As some (or many) of you know, Mr. Nickerson commandeered a group donation some months ago, intended to be donated to a specific charity organization, with the condition that it be made clear that this donation was sent by girl lovers. The intent was clear. It had both charitable and political intent. Todd Nickerson's *only* authorized part, in all of this, consisted of his willingness to be the sending address to the charity. When the donation was returned to him, I asked Lindsay Ashford what was to become of the money, $120 of which had been sent by me. I discovered the return of the donation to Nickerson not from any other donating parties, but from an "anti website" I'd found on my own. Apparently, Todd Nickerson had already made a post at this board three days earlier, of his (revised) intent, but had still not told Ashford personally. Neither Ashford nor myself were, by that time, regular visitors to this message board. Ashford informed me that Nickerson would simply not cash the returned cheque. I quickly learned from other visitors to this board, as well as from others who'd donated, that this was not so, and was referred to a post at this board made by Nickerson three days earlier. He had decided, on his own, withouth consulting those who the money belonged to, to donate these funds to charities of his own choosing, anonymously, and therefore with absolutely no proof whatsoever that he even donated the money at all. When I learned of this, I first attempted to approach Ashford privately. My dissatisfaction, as well as my confusion and anger over what appeared to be his conflicting story, were difficult to contain. What Nickerson decided to do with money that did not belong to him amounted to theft, and still amounts to theft. Ashford quickly learned about Nickerson's post, and had never been contacted by Nickerson beforehand, even though Ashford had been the original organizer of this group donation. He had chosen Nickerson to be nothing else but the willing sender and return address. Ashford expressed extreme discontent to me over Nickerson's actions. Nickerson himself has since claimed that Ashford expressed much sympathy toward him. Where the truth actually lies here is of little matter, as it does not change the fact that Nickerson commandeered no small sum of money entrusted to him. What he claims he did with the money directly contradicts the expressed purpose of donating, as there would be no reason why anyone donating anonymously would not simply do so themselves, and send to the charity of their own choice, not his choice. I have since contacted Nickerson more than once, demanding that he return my $120 portion of the money. I also considered the fact that he is consitantly broke, does not work, and has little if any money sitting around at any given time. I offered him the option of paying me back in $10.00 monthly installments over the next year, an offer which I considered to be quite reasonable, considering the circumstances. When he simply refused, I informed him that I nevertheless intended to recover the money he had stolen. I've since learned that he has curiously aquired things like a new computer monitor for himself. Not exactly something one would expect for someone who lives in somebody else's trailer and has no money. I asked Mr. Nickerson if he still lives at the last current address I had for him, after having given him the payments option for the money he has stolen from me (not to mention the others he stole from). This was last week. Well, I entered your GC chatroom today to find this short reply: Edit by BB: Eeyore posted a chat memo here where Todd threatened to post pictures of Eeyore and his LGF up on the Internet. The exact chat memo cannot be posted, that's against the rules. In the interest of public awareness, however, I'm simply replacing the chat memo with this description of what the memo said I do not know what this referred to, since I have no "LGF" to speak of, nor any underage girl with whom I do anything legally questionable with. I do, however, know that there are pictures of me, and pictures of a girl I have known personally for years. It is one issue when someone threatens me personally, especially with "outing" regarding sexual preference. Mr. Nickerson, however, has decided it works in his favor to threaten the emotional security, possibly more, of a girl who is nevertheless very close to me, and who's safety and security I will do nearly anything whatsoever to defend. Every single person who has spent any amount of time in these online communities, girl lovers and boy lovers alike, know fully well that the ultimate violation of unwritten code is to threaten the privacy of a child we know personally. There are no exceptions. To say that I am angered or outraged by this blatant threat by Todd Nickerson does not begin to describe what I am feeling after having read his words. I declare Todd Nickerson to be a thief. I declare him to be a threat to the safety and security of not only every child lover he associates with, but a threat to the privacy of any children we happen to know, regardless of the nature of our relationship with them. I have never encountered someone as unpredictable in his actions or beliefs, and I am telling everyone now that you associate with him at your own risk. I have tried for many months to avoid any drama relating to this individual, but I do not deal well with people who steal from me. To date I have never before been threatened with someone causing emotional distress to a child I know personally, but it is an outrage of a level I have never experienced. And he will one day come to regret it. Please look after yourselves. ~Eeyore |