GirlChat #368808

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Not entirely true.

Posted by Infinity on Friday, September 08 2006 at 6:07:13PM
In reply to Re: I've read it too. posted by Eeyore on Friday, September 08 2006 at 5:36:41PM

I don't always just blindly agree with what a fellow mod does, but in this case I happen to...and said so. The bottom line is that this was something left to you in chat. I did not see the message. BB did not see the message. There are people here who would alter such a message to make it appear as if someone said something they didn't, and attempt to get them banned. How difficult is it to copy text and then edit what it says? You can look for "old time precident" all you want, it's not there. We do not alter the rules as we see fit. I personally follow the rules that have been layed out for me since I became part of Admin.

All this said, I know you in RL and happen to believe that the text you posted WAS sent to you...and if it can be proven or a similar threat is made again, then you are right that a permanent ban is the only answer to such a threat.

No one is allowed to out another poster...and that person DID make a similar veiled threat about outing another poster in the not too distant fact, I believe I posted a warning about it to him. He did not EXPLICITY threaten to do so, or he might have been banned right then and there.

Anyway, all I can say is this: If someone is threatening to out a poster in RL, or threatening the security and safety of this board and it's posters, then that person is gone, permanently. That said, what's to stop this person from putting personal info about you all over the net after they have been banned? This is just another example of why you should ALWAYS be extremely careful with whom you share personal RL info with...but you already know this.

We still have to DISCUSS the issue as an Administrative team, and in the end, whatever our webmaster decides is what will go down. If you want, send an email to NF in the meantime.


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