GirlChat #256777
I don't see myself as being an advocate for either a "no contact" or a "pro contact" position when it comes to the sexual activities of other adults with children or youths.
The "pro contact" camp seems to claim that they are the only MAAs who care about improving the world of children and youths and they seem to believe that this improvement will come about through the destruction of the nuclear family unit. I disagree with them on this and I feel what we need to do as a society is to give more energy and support to strengthening the family and developing good ethical parents, trained in parenting skills involving both mother and father, who are capable of making wise informed decisions out of love and natural affection in guiding their children until the time when their children show the ability to think "reflectively" for themselves rather than turning over and abdicating their parental responsibility to some state institution or public educational system where children will be culturally homogenised into a single product. i also believe "quality parents" would be instrumental in creating a greater regard for individualistic thinking in their children and hence more indivualistically inclined adults. As I have said before by interest in little girls is not of a political activist bent (although I do think many chages could be made in society to improve the quality of life for many children) but rather my interest lies in an appreciation for "juvenile feminine beauty". For instance it has been one of my life long desires to be able to take photos of nude pre pubescent girls who were willing to pose and whose parents have given consent. I am talking about "artistic nudes" rather than say gynecological closeups etc. The practical reality of this happening in my life would be greater I feel if parental authority were once again to replace governmental authority. (For as it stands now even if the girl was willing and the parents were willing and gave their legal consent the government would still feel the need to interfere if they becam aware of such photo shoots.) I think in regards to capturing images of this type most reasonable people would agree that a seven year old girl is too young to consent in any meaningful way (other than showing willingness) in regards to her actions today upon her life in her future so I think we are left with two choices 1> parental authority. 2> governmental authority. Governmental authority is far too abstract IMHO as it is based upon universal principles which are often themselves abstractions of various moral values, while parents like in the scenario to which I was referring to above, would know the little girl in question her nature and temperment as well as their personal impressions of the photographer, and therefore could be guided by both considerations i.e. the nature of the LG and their impressions of the photographer,through a combined process of observation and intuition in fulfilling their desire to safeguard the well being of their daughter now and into the future. In short I feel we need better parents and less government interference and less cultural engineering in our schools and the mainstream media industry. Sincerely All Eyes ![]() |