GirlChat #256816
Of COURSE the introduction of complete anarchy into childrens lives will lead to the destruction of the nuclear family.
If you for one SECOND thought that I saw my children as mere "things" when they were growing up then you are obviously not a parent. I gave both my children their first feed only minutes after they were born as my wife had caesarians in both instances, and at that stage my "control" over them was 100%, if I had left them to their own devices they would have died. As the months and years passed by that control gave way to assiting and nurturing. When they learnet to talk that gave way to discussion, instruction, and negotiation. I passed on my wisdom to my kin, as has been the way for aeons, and will be for aeons to come. Each day, as they get older, and become more independant, they gradually develop their own value systems, their own tastes in fashion, music, films, and I tell you, witnessing this in your own children is a joy to behold. My eldest son is now 20, he has a job, so is financially independant from me, we have differences, for instance he is mildly homophobic, and he likes to drink alcohol. We also share many things, such as a similar taste in films (Tarantino/DeNiro/Kevin Smith/Jason Lee etc) so I have no "power" over him, and there is one thing we DO share, a love for each other! That is one thing I rarely hear from all the whining, blinkered YL weasels around here. ![]() |