GirlChat #256952
Although this is regarding the age of consent, it also applies to the formentioned subject.
One could be accused (after encouraging emancipation) of actions that arent in the best interests of the child. If you find yourself in a situation where the child is at risk, I suggest you encourage the child to keep a 'journal' of sorts and seek help from a school counsellor or something, stay invisible. ----- Contributing to the Delinquency of Minors: Most every state has such a statute, which can be evoked in cases where the age of consent statute was met, but other circumstances warrant an arrest. For instance, it may be legal for two people to have sexual relations by law, but the fact that one kept the other (under 18 for example) out too late while having sex might subject the actor to arrest. This is the catch-all statute. Often used when parents can't get a boyfriend on age of consent/statutory rape charges, they find a way to use this statute to cause trouble. Read this Example from Nevada (actual law): CONTRIBUTORY DELINQUENCY AND NEGLECT OF CHILDREN 2. Who has no parent or guardian; or who has no parent or guardian willing to exercise or capable of exercising proper parental control; or who has no parent or guardian actually exercising such proper parental control, and who is in need of such control. 7. Who frequents the company of criminals, (or allows a minor to ...) 9. Who habitually uses intoxicating liquors or (or allows a minor to ...) 10. Who persistently or habitually refuses to obey the reasonable and proper orders or directions of his parents, guardian or custodian; or who is beyond the control of such person. (or allows a minor to ...) (Read #10 carefully! Includes orders from parents to NOT be in someone's company for health or safety reasons!) 11. Who is an habitual truant from school. (or allows a minor to ...) 12. Who is leading, or from any cause is in danger of leading, an idle, dissolute, lewd or immoral life. (or allows a minor to ...) (Read #12. "Lewd or Immoral" life. Pre-marital sex is immoral ....?) 13. Who writes or uses vile, obscene, profane or indecent language, or is guilty of indecent, immoral or lascivious conduct. ![]() |