GirlChat #392867

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Re: Note to the anti's

Posted by Elminster on Wednesday, April 25 2007 at 07:39:02AM
In reply to Note to the anti's posted by Moth on Wednesday, April 25 2007 at 05:04:16AM

I am beginning to believe that the anti's really just do what they do and say what they say because they are addicted to grandstanding and hate, because they feel that, if it's accepted, then they are completely justified.

There is no use to talking sense to them, because they don't have any independent thought processes that would allow them to actually even entertain a different view.

They have also made it abundantly clear that they really don't care about children-- they just take joy in the suffering of others. They are obviously too intellecually retarded to do any different. So don't be surprised if they read your post, and just laugh about it.. It's like reading a different language to them, since they can't understand it they just have to point and laugh to make themselves feel better.

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