GirlChat #392915

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Re: Note to the anti's

Posted by Elminster on Wednesday, April 25 2007 at 3:59:47PM
In reply to Re: Note to the anti's posted by Moth on Wednesday, April 25 2007 at 10:44:56AM

The saddest thing about it is that the anti's rhetoric is what is the most harmful to children-- because they presume to be the defenders of right, which is also the scariest thing, because most people think that way when they see those kinds of sites.

In the end that kind of hatred they spew spills over into the real life.. To people not online.. And lets face it.. People who first realise they are pedophiles, without any place to go (which is why these sites are actually so beneficial!), they probably wont accept themselves. And over a few years that self-loathing, fueled by the garbage and lies spewed about the issue on the mainstream news, can drive them completely insane... Then they DO wind up going out and hurting or killing a kid..

And that is just the people like us that wind up going nuts! They fail to notice that the majority of the abuse is by pure psychopaths that just choose children because they are the weakest, not because they have an attraction. So that right there, will always go on, under their radar, because they are too busy concentrating on pedophiles to notice.

All rhetoric aside.. It's almost like two factions of the same side warring with each other! One faction is being held down, so they can't do much of anything, the other faction buying too much into thier own bullshit and blind hatred to even care about doing anything!

And in the end the kids get fucked every which way under the Sun.

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