GirlChat #392921

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Yes, that is the saddest part

Posted by Student on Wednesday, April 25 2007 at 5:00:34PM
In reply to Re: Note to the anti's posted by Elminster on Wednesday, April 25 2007 at 3:59:47PM

If you take a sadist that attacks kids because they are weak, the pedophile sites and the anti sites make no difference at all. If anything, the anti sites bolster his confidence in his power and reinforce his attitude that kids are lesser people that are ok to dominate.

If you take a situational offender that is only acting out with a kid because he isn't with an adult, like a guy whose wife shuts off the nookie supply to punish him, so he goes with the daughter, for example, then these guys, who are not pedophiles, aren't reading the pedophile sites. And they are sure to eat up the antis message of asexuality, because, if he believes they are asexual, then putting a penis in her hand is the same as putting your index finger in there, after all. They're asexual, so they're can't "really" be hurt like raping an adult, see? Intrinsic harm can be glossed over because it doesn't make sense in the context of asexuality, anyway, and yeah, perverts who are really attracted to kids suck, so as long as he's only using her as a substitute, then he's not really a pervert, see? Sure, it's a hefty dose of justifies thought, and in reality he's almost definitely ignoring what both sides have to say, but I'm sure he's thinking 'asexual' and 'I'm not a real perv.'

If you take an affectional pedophile (a.k.a. child-oriented pedophile, a.k.a. just plain "pedophile") and you raise him in this society to believe that kids are asexual objects - and really, how often to you hear 7 year olds called "people?") - and convince him that he is abominable, that his desires are abominable, and that all kids are not interested, therefore the only way he's gonna get any is to take it by force, you are putting him in a position where he is likely to believe that message he is bombarded with without alternative. The anti sites thus help push him to assault or rape or suicide.

On the other hand, if you take this last group, the pedophiles, and feed him sites like this and Lindsay's. If you let him know that there's lots of people just like him (or her) and that it's ok to have these feelings. And, most importantly, if you let him know that kids are sexual, can decide sexual conduct on their own, and that there's plenty of kids that really dig adults, that changes his perspective entirely. He's not likely to assault some unwilling kid when he sees the kid as a real, sexual person, who is capable of deciding their own sexual conduct, instead of an asexual object, like the antis say.

Do you these people think that rates of rape of women would go down if we taught men that women are asexual and incapable of understanding sexual contact and incapable of giving or withholding consent? By a show of hands, how many antis think it should be a crime to rape a sex doll? And yet they go about objectifying children as asexual (or pre-sexual, if you will).



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