GirlChat #320519
I listened to your songs, your guitar playing has gotten a lot better, vocals don't sound to bad either but like you said I couldn't here much.
I want you to read the rest of this letter with an open mind and try to think about what I am saying to you.... I'm not yelling or bitching son, I care about you very much and I worry about you more than you'll ever know... Now, here's the thing I have been trying to get thru your head for several years now.... This "Girl Love" stuff is going to get you into a lot of trouble and cause you nothing but problems, I went to that ignorant web page, I read the BS now you can read mine.... PEDOPHILIA IS A CRIME AS VIEWED BY OUR SOCIETY!!!!! The more you associate yourself with this kind of thing the more trouble you are going to bring down on yourself. I know that you think you know everything but you don't son. If what you say is true and that you just enjoy children and being around children then you're not a PEDOPHILE! If you enjoy children and have illicite thoughts about children and enjoy looking at nude pictures of children then that make you a PEDOPHILE! Here's some more facts that might have escaped your attention. Do you know that the FBI has a special crime watch program that does nothing but monitor the internet searching for people that look at child porn and associate themselves with groups like are advertised pn your web page? Also most local police and sheriffs have people that monitor that stuff as well? Do you know that you can be arrested and prosecuted for viewing and downloading child porn? Do you realize that you will probably never be welcome in your own fathers house because of this kind of shit. FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE SON, USE YOUR BRAIN!!!!! If you are truly a pervert, learn to control yourself and STOP TRYING TO WAVE A FLAG AROUND Don, please listen to me, this is only ever going to cause you pain in your life..... You have already been sent home from that camp, and it's only going to get worse.... One more word of wisdom to you, this is from a father of a little girl!!!! If you ever send me another link or anything pertaining to this kind of shit again I will take action myself. You may not understand this but the thought of somebody (ANYBODY) getting their jollies by looking or worse, my little girl or anyone elses little makes me really angry. So for your own benefit son STOP ASSOCIATING YOURSELF WITH THAT STUFF, GET OFF THE WEBSITES, DON'T JOIN CHAT ROOMS WHATEVER, STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT SOUND LIKE IT'S OK.. IT'S NOT OK!!!!!! I sure hope that some of this sinks in, I doubt if you'll listen to me but I have to try. Love ya DAD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From:[] Sent: Wed 8/17/2005 1:04 AM To: Don Shepherd Subject: purevolume Hey here is that link for now. I would advise you not to listen to "Love to Love You" or if you do, dont think on it. In most of the tracks it is very hard to hear my voice. So listen close, I guess. I will get you Nates Info Tomorrow. I have a had a few beers and I ready for bed. I guess you could wire me some money for my birthday so that I could buy some clothes or something. I dont know. ![]() |