GirlChat #320546
While I don't agree with everything your dad says, some of it makes a lot of sense. I visited your site just as your Dad did. You seem to be awfully young to be making the life-altering decision to out yourself as a pedophile. I had hoped when you dropped your name, that it was a pen name. But since it links you to your other online and seemingly real world activity, I'll assume its yours. It seems a bit rash. Your Father is trying to impress on you in no uncertain terms how unforgiving the world can be. Since I've never gotten in trouble over my orientation, I can't speak from experience. But how many of our fellow GC members who have suffered at the hands of the "justice" system wouldn't want to remain unknown to the authorities if they could? Assume that someone is taking notes and keeping a file on each and every one of us. Because they are. Mine reads "Dante" / first post Aug 8th / Male / age range likely # through # / works retail ( frequent work related contact with minors / note: eliminate work places that don't allow picture Ts if subject is truthful ) / self-professed artist / music cited / film cited / artists cited ..... well you get the drift. I haven't said anything about myself that I wouldn't mind going into that dossier on some Law Enforcement desk. I don't consent to its existence, but I'm keeping it in mind at all times. And I'm very deliberate to not cross-post on any given subject between my online identities. That's why I keep limiting my art posts to Markarba. Not because I think he's a cop, but because I know one is listening in. I know as an artist that its impossible to separate your inner emotional life from your artistic expression. And in a just world, you could live a fully integrated life. But your musical self can post anywhere on the net without the fear of a knock on the door in the middle of the night. I know that your Dad would like for all your pedo feelings to go away. Life would be less risky were it so. But at the very least I share his concern about you "waving a flag around." Maybe I'm even more paranoid than I need to be. But I lurked here for a little while before posting. I know that by posting, I lose some part of my anonymity, and risk losing it all. Since my interest is in real LGs and not pictures thereof I made the decision to cease even the occasional browse of a site which might be risky. I could have chosen to stay hidden. But I didn't. Certain choices follow. Its your choice. You're an adult. And I know that my values and concerns might not be yours. So keeping that in mind, here's what I'd do if I were you. Short of abandoning any internet presence, I'd delete any pedo references in your music site. And I'd abandon the emovocals nick. I'd take a hiatus and think about what's happened to some of our brethren here. And if I resurfaced under another nick at GC I'd never allow there to be any connection with my previous nick, or my real ID. Now that's just me. I like you, I worry about you, and I'll support and respect anything you choose to do. Just be careful. Dante ![]() |