GirlChat #742344
Hi all,
who knows about Shauna Rae? She's a 22yo woman stuck into the body of an 8 yo. She's actually very beautiful, beautiful blue eyes. She has a series on TLC. However what I don't like about her and her family is the BS mentality that if any man would want to be with her because she looks like an 8 yo then he's an evil guy, a fetishist, an idiot, mentally ill etc... She said having had relationships where the man was being controlling... The kind of man attracted by someone who looks weaker just to exercise a sort of control is to me someone who has mental problems, and is not a GL. Too bad that they don't seem to make the difference. Comments such as (even meant as a joke )"if the guy has conditions to stay 600 feet away from elementary schools" bla bla bla... They probably don't know how it can hurt people who are naturally attracted to little girls, actually just like the rest of the population, they just don't care. Love2uall |