GirlChat #733284
Over the years the pedophile community has evolved to have special observance days. Girllovers celebrate Alice Day on April 25th. Boylovers celebrate International Boylove Day twice a year - on the first and last Saturdays between solstice days (inclusive). But there is still no day that would unite the whole pedo community.
For this matter we propose Day of Remembrance and Solidarity with the victims of pedophobia. This is a day to remember those people who have not committed any violence, but whose lives were destroyed by anti-pedophilic laws and public hatred. Victims of pedophobia can be men and women, pedosexuals and nonpedosexuals, adults and children. This day can be a good reason to support those who are serving a prison term, forced to register as a sex offender, or suffer from other similar restrictions. Last year, we voted on a date for this day. But it was decided to re-vote with a large number of options. Please, read options here: You can vote at that site or just express your vote in comments here. • ( https link ) [Anonymouse] |