GirlChat #393153
I know that your denials are merely ceremonial, because you don't want to let on the truth about your opinions :) I'm pretty sure that when you deny wanting to be a part of our group, it's all a front. Why else would you be so dedicated to GC? You are a lost cause, Febri-chan. If you have to interpret things so they fit your perceptions then anything I say will do for you. There are several reasons for my being here but a shared feeling with yourselves is hardly necessary, I had that for many years when I was in the throes of my attraction. As for this: "...[B]ut I am intent on removing the sexual interest and that appears to be working..." All I want to know is why would you want to remove the eros from your affections for children? I mean, is it really all that bad as society thinks it is? In fact, is society even right about the basic idea that's at debate here? Because I do not see it as a natural part of myself or of them. I do not see the sexuality or want to see it in the children that make up my environment and I do not believe that they do either. There are children who have early sexual experiences but I just do not see the same extent that many here do and mostly see these early experiences as interfering in their development rather than enhancing it. Sexuality is over-hyped in our western culture and although it is the norm to be branded prudish etc. for expressing this I think it should play less of a role in our lives, not more. Bonding between people is not necessarily dependent upon a sexual side to a relationship. More sensuality I will accept. Today's society claims that children are innocent and their reverence approaches damn near to a sort of religious sanctification of childhood. But I think that modern culture is wrong in that. Much of modern society doesn't see children as necessarily 'innocent', but perhaps they do understand that they are more vulnerable than the child-lovers will admit. Vulnerable during their formative years to especially sexual influences. Assuming you've read all those books you claim to have, I suppose you have a lot of "head knowledge"(to borrow terminology from the Christian crowd) about children, but I don't believe that the subject of how much time you've actually spent around real living children has ever come up. And if it has I wasn't around to read about it. So, if I may be so bold, in all honesty, how much time have you actually spent around children? I don't mean like standing next to one on a bus, or going into a toy-store, I mean one on one time. Have you ever had the pleasure of playing one on one with a child for more than fifteen minutes, on a regular basis? Have you ever gotten to know, by experience, the true scope and span of the childish intellect? This is something of great interest to me, because it seems to me that the people who have the grossest misunderstanding of children and childhood are those who have studied them(as though through a microscope) from afar, indirectly, and through books. I've gotten to know, though experience, children(boys and girls) who have a better understanding of how the world should work, and how to treat people, and what qualities are worth cultivating to be a success as a human being than most adults ever will. Frankly, I would go so far as to say that childish wisdom is, in fact, superior to whatever learning an adult can weight against them. So, have you spent a consistant amount of time with real life children? They're not the hyperactive, brain-dead retards that your books say they are. We obviously read different books, never have I seen anything approaching this. In any case, I'm sure you could just b.s. me and lie through your teeth(one drawback to the Internet), but I'm trusting you to give me an honest answer. Thank you. I have been honest from day one. I have stated some of my experiences in a few posts and yes I do appreciate what real children are like. Over the years I have made a point of watching real children in the media so that I did truly understand them. Observing children whenever I saw them in my real life also helped as well as those in my intimate life. I have had some memorable moments with my nieces and children of my friends and judging by their responses got on very well with them. I had no impression that I was somehow distant and not part of their world, I loved being with them and almost always enjoyed their company. When your 10-year-old niece wants to hold your hand whilst out walking it generally is a sign of trust and affection. I think I can say that my experiences with children have explored the 'envelope' rather more than most here so I do think that I know and appreciate them for what they are rather than seeing them in any idealist way. The Rules do not allow me to expand on some of my experiences, all I can say is that they were some of the most wonderful and memorable of my life and I have had many extremely memorable events in my life not related to children. Moth ![]() |