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A lost cause speaks out

Posted by Febri-chan on Saturday, April 28 2007 at 3:41:56PM
In reply to Yep - but it's the listening that counts posted by Moth on Friday, April 27 2007 at 04:53:25AM

Moth-dearie, if I'm a lost cause in your book then that's fine.
I've been a lost cause in the minds of many people throughout my life because of the young friends with which I've surrounded myself.
When people call me "wierd-o" or "freak" or words like "lost cause" after I would tell them that in my whole life the only people I am willing to say were my "friends" have all been children, you have to understand that I take a certain amount of pride in being labelled so for whatever reason.

The reason why I stick to my belief that you stick around at GC is simple: most of the real ardent misopaedic, anti-eros posters here have not stuck around long, but you, inexplicably, have been here for at least two months.
Should I have any reason to doubt therefore that you aren't as strong an opponent as you want us to believe?
You are honest about your affections for children, I'll give you that; and you do act like you care about their welfare, but I'm telling you, Moth, that we Girl-Lovers, whether against or for sexual contact(I associate with the latter), are not the biggest threat to child welfare.
(Indeed, I am naive enough to make the bold claim that Child-Lovers aren't a threat at all.)
Why do you focus on us while ignoring the evils perpetrated against children by social services and parents and the educational system?
Are we law-abiding paedos who are criminals by philosophy alone more dangerous than a neglectful mother?
Are we more dangerous than child-protective services who, like a pack of stray dogs, waits for any chance to steal a child away from their parents?
Are we more dangerous than a school system which teaches by "experimentalism" and, as a result, cultivates within the supremely wise childish mind the 'heresy' that the only things worth knowing or learning are things that we can use?
("Gee dear, I wonder why the kids are doing so poorly in math and history?")
And yet we're the focus of your attention because we think that children can think for themselves concerning the act or philosophy of sex.

I believe that the reason you are lasting so long at GC is none other than that you like it here and what we stand for.

Whether you say that that's my fantasy world idealism or not, I believe that that's true.

Hell, for all you know, I might be more right about you than even you are.
I know that that sounds crazy, but it's basically the same claim that you make concerning us: that you know us better than we know ourselves.

As a lost cause now and forever, I thank you for your time.

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