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Oh, that's all talk

Posted by Febri-chan on Friday, April 27 2007 at 00:58:57AM
In reply to Interpretations, interpretations - woe is me! posted by Moth on Thursday, April 26 2007 at 04:04:21AM

I know that your denials are merely ceremonial, because you don't want to let on the truth about your opinions :)
I'm pretty sure that when you deny wanting to be a part of our group, it's all a front.
Why else would you be so dedicated to GC?

As for this:
"...[B]ut I am intent on removing the sexual interest and that appears to be working..."

All I want to know is why would you want to remove the eros from your affections for children?
I mean, is it really all that bad as society thinks it is?
In fact, is society even right about the basic idea that's at debate here?

Today's society claims that children are innocent and their reverence approaches damn near to a sort of religious sanctification of childhood.
But I think that modern culture is wrong in that.

Assuming you've read all those books you claim to have, I suppose you have a lot of "head knowledge"(to borrow terminology from the Christian crowd) about children, but I don't believe that the subject of how much time you've actually spent around real living children has ever come up.
And if it has I wasn't around to read about it.

So, if I may be so bold, in all honesty, how much time have you actually spent around children?

I don't mean like standing next to one on a bus, or going into a toy-store, I mean one on one time.
Have you ever had the pleasure of playing one on one with a child for more than fifteen minutes, on a regular basis?
Have you ever gotten to know, by experience, the true scope and span of the childish intellect?

This is something of great interest to me, because it seems to me that the people who have the grossest misunderstanding of children and childhood are those who have studied them(as though through a microscope) from afar, indirectly, and through books.
I've gotten to know, though experience, children(boys and girls) who have a better understanding of how the world should work, and how to treat people, and what qualities are worth cultivating to be a success as a human being than most adults ever will.
Frankly, I would go so far as to say that childish wisdom is, in fact, superior to whatever learning an adult can weight against them.
So, have you spent a consistant amount of time with real life children?
They're not the hyperactive, brain-dead retards that your books say they are.

In any case, I'm sure you could just b.s. me and lie through your teeth(one drawback to the Internet), but I'm trusting you
to give me an honest answer.

Thank you.

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