GirlChat #364196

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Re: THIS is why I cashed the check!

Posted by lindsay on Friday, August 04 2006 at 07:08:09AM
In reply to Re: THIS is why I cashed the check! posted by Todd on Thursday, August 03 2006 at 4:52:53PM

I suppose you're right, but to tell the truth, I did not foresee them taking legal action over this crap. Chalk it up to my naivete, but I really didn't think they would stoop to that level, honestly. Let this be a lesson to anyone else who wants to volunteer to do anything of this sort in the future.

Congratulations, you have now proven yourself a charter of the Kevin Brown "Look-Before-You-Leap Activism Society".

Yes, I used my own return address because, had I put a South American addy on the envelope as a return address, I can almost guarantee th whole amount would've disappeared before it arrived at it's destination.

Only if you mailed it from South America, which is precisely why I did not want to collect money here.

Heh, I've ALWAYS been ~discomfited by the possibility of legal complications~, especially when I am innocent of any crimes. But did YOU foresee them attempting to take legal actions over a stupid misunderstanding?

Yes, I did.

As for your decision to cash the cheque, I am still opposed to that and expressed that to you in more than one email. So far you have failed to respond to any of my communication to you, public or private.

Well, I just told you why I haven't replied, but I can't see changing my mind now. I'm sending the money off tomorrow, anonymously, and I know it will be used well.

I strongly discourage this action, Todd, which my previous emails (and public posts) will attest to. Todd, you were not the organiser of this campaign. I was. You were the treasurer, and since when has the treasurer decided how to disburse funds. Todd, your credibility here is currently at a nadir. Your proposed action lacks any sort of transparency. I have heard from many people (including donors to this campaign) that are AGAINST you doing this. I am also opposed. Furthermore, you have chosen this action without ever asking or consulting me about it, and I am the one who organised it! Please do not do this.



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