GirlChat #742793
Everyone loves having a slick acronym for self-identity, even if it's a medical condition, or a non-existent disease created for a random lab-created pill-cure in need of a condition.
Or even better, the sexual martyr alphabet! YES!! Cept they only seem to get one letter, and they still won't let us drink their kool-aid:/ I.... *sniffle, lonnng pause looking skyward to regain my composure* I am... a UPCL! (or Un-Paired-Child-Lover) Sometimes presenting as a comorbidity with.. AIED. (or Artificial Intelligence Erectile Dysfunction) "Ask YOUR doctor about..." That's just it, there IS no magic pill. No pill's gonna cure OUR ill! Only a real girl can ever cure this hole in our hearts! :*( *Runs off dramatically into the bathroom and locks the door, cuing close friends to dramatically follow to the door pleading with me* "No! Leave me be! Nobody understands!" ^bap-bap-bap* "Eeyore!" *bap-bap-bap* "Eeyore!" (Inside, I am casually checking the cabinet for cool prescript drugs while issuing vague self-harm threats.) IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT, YOU... OPPRESSORS! We. WEEEE... are the TRULY unhoused.... *pointing directly into the camera* the unhoused..... of **LOVE!!** How's that? Could I be a writer-scab for Hollywood? Writers don't have to perform sex acts or take a vow to Satan to get jobs there, do they? That's only the actors and the people on the screen, right? RIGHT?? :( |