GirlChat #402665
Finally, something to work with!!! I hope "the activist is paying attention to this thread.
It is sad that this happen to Kevin, but this is the 1st of many assaults, harassments and the possible murders that will occur to members of the Child Love community. And when opportunity knocks, you take it. So lets get to work guys :) History does repeat itself . The Jews said Never Again. I've assume they meant never again should the world be allowed to have blinders on when it comes to prejudice, hatred and fear about another group of people. But history does repeat itself, and this will work to our advantage :D Here is a clue Words and phrases for today Class Action Lawsuit Documenting evidence Winning The Future On April 25, 2009, at 10:13 AM a class action lawsuit was filed against a group called Perverted Justice. 10 Child Lovers and the family member of a deceit member of this child love community are asking for 10.5 Billion dollars in damages because they claim that the group Perverted Justice is directly responsible for the harassment, stalking and the death of one of the member from this Child Love group. The deceit member from this Child lover groups was stalk, stab and dragged 2 miles behind a red pick up truck and died 2 days later from his injury. This child lover was a local state senator who was also well respected and loved in his home town. On May 8, 2011 at 3:46 PM the group of 11 Child lovers won their class action lawsuit against the group Perverted Justice On June 29th, 2011, the new owner of the domain Perverted Justice is Kevin Brown. The site is now hosted by a Canadian company called Epifora. So Blue-Ribbon, Jillum and David, Im sure you already set aside some space on your new web site to assist the lawyers in this future class action lawsuit Right? Document each case of harassment, assault, stalking and soon the brutal death of a Child love member. Document everything The Pjer's CSO web site will be very helpful in this lawsuit and Im sure you already have full copy of their site to help these lawyers out. Heres a toast to history repeating itself!!! tEsTer ![]() |