GirlChat #401682
"an 11-year-old girl accused him of putting his hand down her pants as she made breakfast at his house toward the end of the school year"
That doesn't sound very consentual to me. Of course, consent or lack thereof is never reported in the media because the consent of children is not recognized. So when we hear stories like these, we aren't getting the whole story. The antis will claim that it's always rape, and many childlovers assume that it was consentual. The fact is that neither we nor the antis have any way of knowing what really happened. She may have invited him to do it, then accidently let it slip later which got him arrested. Or he might have just come up behind her and stuck his hand down her pants without asking her permission, and she felt so violated that she told on him. We can't possibly know what the real circumstances are so I don't think we can fairly jump to any conclusion. If he really did force himself on her and she does feel like a rape victim, do you really want to be defending the man that did that to her? Cangee |