GirlChat #360398 with any, trust none. ;)
...and, similar pragmatic rules apply. Surf safe. If magz PMs you with "omg do u want 2 trade pics on msn," say no. Don't tell anyone your dog's name, or that your 6yo daughter goes to a school in which grades 1-3 are combined, or that you live in Snottsdale to be closer to your Phoenix office and that you traveled to Washington on business in the last two weeks of June in your position as CEO of your company... ...all of these things have been used to trace people - and this world doesn't work on law. It works on order., yes... admittedly, I'd feel better if it was FixCat and AngryMomma, but hell, it's not like I've been following recent events, and bypartisan networking is good for the nation, as independent order continues right alongside. Go forth. Love your enemies, and do good unto them, for I say to you - every living being is your neighbor. If someone strike you on one cheek, offer them the other. Perhaps your reward is in heaven, but it is not one's own life that is of first importance. The reward of import is of the next generation of your race. 1,960,000 paederotic youth were born last year, in the US alone. Anything we do, we do for tomorrow. ...but trust no one. Not on CAT, but that is not what is important... ...not on GC, either. ;) Love all, trust none. ;) ...IMO. ![]() |