GirlChat #350000
Hi Eeyore,
I read your response to my thread about Jamie Bolin (below) and wanted to make an analogy, if I might. The reason we hear about so many LGs being abducted and killed with regularity (despite, as you said, fewer of these events actually taking place) is because of one thing: speed of information. As with ANYTHING, we know all about horrible events, and the media covers them, within minutes and hours of the event itself. It's satellites, cable, the Internet, a constant barrage of information. My point is that there are many "the sky is falling" posts here regarding the current state of affairs in Washington. "The Rise of Fascism," is but only one. While I am no supporter of this administration (for many reasons), I have not bought into the "sky is falling" hype because I recognize - as you do about the LGs having always been victims of abduction and the out of proportion coverage - that these kinds of heavy-handed tactics have ALWAYS gone on in this country, the media is only focused on it every second, of every day because of: speed of information. So, it's not that I dispute your response to me regarding the over-hyping of abductions, etc. and the constant drumbeat of fear. In fact, I agree for the most part. However, I would hope that you see that the EXACT same thing goes on in the reporting of political affairs in this country. The constant drumbeat of fear in regards of "fascism" in America, etc. is - as with the child abductions - blown WAY out of proportion simple because of the information/news cycle glut that inundates us all 24/7. -----------------------primary colors--------------------------------- |