GirlChat #213698
Hi again Infinity
From what you have said you weren't formally charged with a crime in regards to your membership to a site that featured underage nudity as I suppose the images didn't meet any of the 8 categories of what constitutes CP according to U.S. federal statutes, but the fact that you had paid money (credit card I imagine) for a membership to a nude" yet legal" site was used as a sort of cultural "moral leverage" a sort of "ad hominem" argument against you to compel you to admit to an illegal act that you never actually committed, for fear that if you were to contest the charge you would likely be found guilty anyway based simply upon the fact that you had been a member of a "lolli" site previously, And that out of a sense that if you didn't go along and plead guilty for the BJ image on that computer your punishment would be many times more severe. And therefor you chose to comply with the intention of the prosecution and plead guilty, although in fact you were actually not the responsible party. I understand why you chose not to fight the charge, considering that contesting the charge and loosing you would most likely be looking at much more sever punitive consequences, so you took the most probable "best" of the two bad anticipated outcomes. It is hard to understand what you were thinking Infinity when down loaded nude pics of LGs on a college campus computer. That to me seems a much more significant factor in the outcome of the charges brought against you than previous Lolli site membership. So in any case there were no formal charges brought against you for your legal membership in a Lolli site, and most likely if someone hadn't seen that image on the monitor at the campus your legal problems may have never happened. This is not a criticism of you Infinity, I mean we all do stupid things sometimes. Was the fact that you were using a campus computer in this charge ever regarded as a seperate crime? Sorry if I come across as a bit inquisitorial. It is really just my writing style of late. There seems to be so much "gray area" in these matters, legal specificity so difficult to come by in the CP arena. Anecdotal info may be the greatest light we have currently for those of us interested in staying within the boundaries of the law. your ever well wisher AE ![]() |