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Warning Politics

Posted by Butterfly Kisses on Friday, July 12 2024 at 7:52:18PM
In reply to There is no US 2024 presidential election. posted by Eeyore on Friday, July 12 2024 at 02:42:08AM

It is my belief that this is wrong, but it's not something I'd bet my life on.

This has been going around the Trump circles for a while now. They base this off of being true about-
-The Hunter Biden laptop
-Certain Covid information
-The Russia stuff being mostly thin air

There is nuance to all three of those things though. Nuance most of his ardent supporters are unwilling to engage in. Nuance that most of the left is also certainly unwilling to engage in. And others they believe to be true such as believing the election was illegitimate and Biden did not win, Trump did.

I've gone over every single one of Trumps assertions about the election he put out in a report and then read points and counterpoints for and against. About 25% he is just wrong on and proven wrong. About 50% he can't prove and neither can the other side prove he is wrong. Most of the rest he has good points, but can't prove it. Under this category I would list things such as videos showing people doing signature verification faster than it's possible. Like flipping through hundreds of them a minute. It's obvious they are not verifying the signatures. He is correct. That does not mean the election was stolen however. It means we aren't verifying sigs at that polling spot. Some he is completely correct on when I looked through. But, honestly it was very few.

The main argument for me against his election stealing grief; that he got robbed of his win, is that polling showed Biden winning. Trump actually came slightly closer to winning than what the average of polls suggested.

But, hey I'm biased. I really do not like the man and I find some of the things he's done such as having a secret negotiation bill with the democrats that excluded republicans or the appointment of Wray to the FBI which might the most deep state oriented bureaucrat ever appointed to high power, to be completely contradictory to everything he says he stands for. Among many other reasons big and small too much to get into and certainly not the place for.

Here's some things I also heard his ardent supporters say over the years.
-Republicans would never let him win the nomination and will rig it against him. (wrong twice)
-He would be killed before holding office
-He would not be allowed to win the first election.
-Republicans are still waging a shadow war against him in the power centers (most seem just not to know that he has replaced all the people in the top level of the organization with his own people. So this at the very least is impossible now.)

Hey I could be wrong. But, I know for a fact his ardent supporters and he himself have also been wrong.

The left losing their minds over someone who has repeatedly stated about 16 weeks on abortion which is in line with most of Europe, who had a drag queen fundraiser, was the first president to ever come out in support of gay marriage before the election, has gone behind his party to negotiate with the other side whenever he thinks his side is being stubborn, has been more anti war than at least what the left has been lately. But, they are losing their minds over him which has also been fascinating to watch since he's more of a centrist in my view than almost anyone on any side has been willing to admit.

But, I will say I have been amazed at his capability to get people who have always said they hate all politicians to come over to his side.

Either way I've probably pissed off everyone with this post left, right, and center alike with this. But, honestly I think if you get right down to it I think people who study any politician should be able to find things they dislike even in their most admired and things they like among their most hated. And the more people who take time to research that deeply the better.

I guess we find out in a few months either way.

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