GirlChat #743082
("Before The Mayflower")
I had to read it for a class years ago. I suspect Barack Obama read this some years before meeting his delicate flower, Michelle. Anyway, I had to read it for a college class hosted by an instructor invited in to a very historically white yet blue city, who was openly sympathetic to both Marxism and claimed connection to black panthers. He was from LA. Given free reign, nearly all of the class were deemed racists, and when I asked a question about a famous Russian short-story author I had read who approached the topic of economic-inequality, he replied that said author was.... that's just it. He was simply unable to reply. Because he didn't know shit about any Russian author at all, especially Chekhov. These colleges are an effing dumpster fire. No wonder we're all becoming stupid and highly virtuous toward wrong virtuous directions. So enraging:/ Posted: 8/22/23. |