GirlChat #742710

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My first reply closed Tor browser on me.

Posted by Eeyore on Sunday, April 16 2023 at 01:12:23AM
In reply to The Frayed Angels of Gaza posted by Neutrino on Thursday, April 13 2023 at 9:33:52PM

That was.. interesting.

So sorry for no previous replies. Lazy lack of political engagement makes me sad for the future I see coming so fast and hard.

These two groups were historically nomadic tribes, no? Some forceful geographical thing was put in place after WW-II, no?

I think this might have been a shitty thing to do.

Also, I have fallen madly in love with young girls presented from both sides, and I can attest with extreme honesty, there is no difference in the qualities and personalities. They are both honest, truthful in their perceptions, and generally lovely in their original girlishness.

No, I am not so naive to not see the truth of conflict. I only say that I see what similarity lies beneath.

And I definitely do not suggest homogenization! I ONLY suggest, for the sake of humanity,

PLEASE try to get along separately?


• ( https link ) They both know how it goes. It's when it comes.

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