GirlChat #742225
Re: Hanson and his show. Girls are NEVER looking for sex. NEVER. They have NO motivation to do so. Um, sexual desire is universal among both genders and all age groups. Younger people may not be looking for the same type of sexual activity as adults, but NEVER looking for it? Your purity conception has no basis in biological reality. It's political and emotional, not objective. And it'd designed to "purify" girls while demonizing male desire by claiming the latter is always one-sided and overbearing. They are ALWAYS looking for something else, whenever they offer themselves to a man for his use. "His use"? Very biased how you look at male sexuality, but we already know that. And little do you know the girls you claim to know so well... Girls are put at risk from anonymous NSA sex with men they don't know, and they do not benefit in any way from getting used as a human toilet for a man to express himself into. Your hatred of men and their sexuality, and attempts to purify girls of all human desire, are now becoming utterly hilarious in their caricature-like expression. The men on the show showed up intended on taking advantage of vulnerable girls. Translation: You hate men and infantalize girls, perpetually denying them the agency you claim to want to give them. We already know that, Lemon. They were looking to abuse and exploit young girls for their own benefit - then throw the used, defiled pieces of human tissue in the trash. Wow. Your credibility for objectivity never ceases to rise with your venting, huh, Lemon? :) I don't feel bad for them at all. They showed ZERO regard for the presumed girls. Because they showed up for a tryst? You assume the girls wanted...something else? I guess the idea of a (ugh!) male being lonely, in need of affection via sexual contact, and adoring girls they find attractive is an alien concept to your worldview, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It simply means your hatred makes you incapable of objective consideration. They showed no interest in them as people AT ALL. Because of a sexual component in their interest? Mmhmm, that just taints the whole thing in your eyes. Regardless of Hanson's motives (which I don't know and don't really care about), Of course you don't. Which is part of my point. I am quite satisfied with the cads who showed up getting humiliated. Of course you do. Because if it hurts and humiliates men, and prevents them from having sexual contact with girls, it satisfies you. Also part of my point...and your entire point. And btw, Lemon...we love you too! |