GirlChat #480063
on the board, but I feel it's okay to do so. I was especially feeling that I owe it to Michael Melsheimer to do so, especially now during all the criticism of his organization. The short bit of info I'm referring to is this:
He introduced me to this website. I had come across it many months (almost a year, and by chance) before he mentioned it to me, but he is the one who, personally via an hour long phone conversation, recommended it to me, and allowed me to feel secure in joining. Kero knows this, since when I initially emailed gc to join, I told him that I was referred by Michael Melsheimer. I just thought y'all might appreciate hearing that. And at this very moment while I'm recollecting this, along with my confidence in the genuineness of the members on this board, I feel as though Mike is good people and has done me a great favor sending me here. Some of you are probably mumbling "Bad Mike!!, Bad Mike!!". But I hope not. And I don't blame you if you are, since I have been complicated to say the least (I'm trying to put an end to my complicatedness for my own sake, and y'all will naturally benefit as a bi-product, if I do so). Anyways, Cheers to MIke. |