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Re: How consistently...

Posted by BLueRibbon on Wednesday, May 28 2008 at 10:12:22PM
In reply to How consistently... posted by Mesmerised on Wednesday, May 28 2008 at 8:14:15PM

"I listened to a radio phone-in about this earlier today - one woman who called in, after it had been pointed out that there were no real children involved, resorted to giving the real reason for her support of this: it was for their "mindset" that the people owning such drawings should be incarcerated. In other words, purely for their thoughts."

Such people are pathetic. Quite frankly, I often wish - in a state of anger - that I could put an end to the life of a person with that mindset (note: I'm not actually going to do anything like that), but I wouldn't support an amendment which allowed someone to kill bigots. One can dislike something or someone without screaming for laws against it.

Was the debate which you are referring to on Radio 4, Mesmerised?

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