GirlChat #442490

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How consistently...

Posted by Mesmerised on Wednesday, May 28 2008 at 8:14:15PM
In reply to Plan to close child porn loophole posted by Positron on Wednesday, May 28 2008 at 05:22:06AM

...will this be applied, I wonder? Are they going to arrest anyone, let's say, who owns a copy of 'Kill Bill'? Because that contains an animated sequence involving adult/child sex. Better start a huge prison building project.

I listened to a radio phone-in about this earlier today - one woman who called in, after it had been pointed out that there were no real children involved, resorted to giving the real reason for her support of this: it was for their "mindset" that the people owning such drawings should be incarcerated. In other words, purely for their thoughts.


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