GirlChat #350142
again Canada seems to have some differences.
I enjoy looking and appreciating the world thru their eyes why would i want to paint their world any differently. Admitting that some people look at our family as somewhat different. But my kids savour our differences. My kids look at knowledge and adventure and differences as the only way to enjoy this world and strive to associate with like minded. One idea of encouraging is not buying into the commercial toy industry. My kids got art supplies and legos (without the books of ready made designs). We road bikes together with no finite plan in mind but to find out what the world had to give us for an adventure. We stopped and looked around and I listened to them. There are a lot of parents who don't listen. I am not perfect for I have been indoctrinated by the previous generation. It is hard not to preach, but it is not hard to be a child with open eyes. All my girls have made loud comments about how their grandma has tried to instill her backwards "old fashioned values." Like "why does she think we should be seen and not heard." Or they have asked me "how do I get" soandso relative "to listen to me?" My youngest girl has asked "Why doesn't my dad ever play games with me?" "Why does he only want to do his thing?" these are just samples of what children see, when adults don't see. My son does not see the colour of the other kids at schools faces or their sexual preferences. He said once in reference to this, "if you close your eyes and listen to someone you can't tell . . ." How profound. Even I could learn from that. and "Their sexual orientation doesn't matter it's the person." It is also true that most of his experience revolves around how many kids are openly gay because of the sheer population per capita that are. At 6 they seem to know there are a lot of different ways to look at relationships and sex. Even I was shocked at how much was above board in the school system, there didn't seem to be much they didn't teach with very little or no propoganda. But almost anti that, my son has been taught that there is no prejudice left in the US. He couldn't understand what everyone was talking about during Hurricane Katrina. I had to "teach" him what prejudice was. Isn't that rather backwards, and he had a hard time accepting or believing. I know I am rambling, I agree it isn't right what some parents seem to think is the "right way". I want to keep the sparkle alive in children. Now if we could only find away to get them into political power. |