GirlChat #744289
Found this nifty old garage band tune recently. We've all been there once or twice in our past, depending on the ages we liked, I suppose. Especially when we were still naive about love and its various limitations ourselves.
Heck, one of those girls named me 25 years ago. She would have heard a song like this and smiled mischieviously, thinking "yes, that's me." She enjoyed discovering the thrilling sense of power she could wield over the boys, and even an older...boy, earlier than most of her classmates. Just be sure never to overstep the red stalker line. Sometimes "an autism" can cloud the line signals, more so for some than for others, making he who is reverent and harmless feel like a potential serial killer to the very objects of affection. Of course, like running a traffic light, it's only ever really stalking if they see you do it. "You little devil." |