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Michelle Trachtenberg, Gone @ 39:(

Posted by Eeyore on Thursday, February 27 2025 at 02:46:41AM

I was just minutes ago admiring some other little girl on one of those cop shows I flip through, where many of them (unfortunately) seem to get their early break. I then flipped channels to hear the sad news.

Some former poster here mentioned her frequently when she was still a little girl actor (was it Spy Kids?), long before I started noticing her more recently in old episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Buffy's sexy kid sister. She was super cute when she was little, as well as a hottie in her teens.

Had no idea she was having health issues; complications after a liver transplant, apparently. It's sad to lose any former cutie star, and while she might not have been young as say, a Heather O'Rourke, it's still a hella young age to lose someone, and the feeling must be ever the more worse if you knew a girl personally who was gone too soon.

Should there be another side, may they all now understand how we did sincerely love and admire them beyond just some shamed and scorned primal urge.


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