GirlChat #744260

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If not right wing, at least it is right.

Posted by Baldur on Saturday, February 15 2025 at 8:35:25PM
In reply to Is Wanting There To Be More Kids "Right Wing"? posted by Eeyore on Friday, February 14 2025 at 8:51:49PM

I've had this feeling for a while that since the early 1970s - i.e., about the time that "The Population Bomb" was published - that there has been widespread social engineering to reduce the population to the point of self-extermination.

If an alien race were to come to Earth and decide to eradicate the human species with the least effort possible, they could hardly have come up with a better plan than what we have seen happening over the past 50 years - and this would include attacks on those of us who love children as one of the opening salvos to eliminate resistance at later stages in the plan, and to turn the general population against those who would defend future generations.

In any case, if wanting there to be more kids is not right wing, it is at least right.

We're all far right now!

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