GirlChat #744176
*Anonymously* (the most selfless (and the most ACTUALLY virtuous) way). You receive no scrutiny from anyone, but also no praise.
So you want to do something good for a girl, maybe to prove to others (or perhaps even to yourself) that you really and truly love them more than just some primal physical urge alone. Great! Read on. So as most of us know, there are many ways to anonymously donate a toy or toys for kids during the holidays. This has always been awesome of course, and I've tried to do it as often as I could, especially in times when I had no real girls in my own personal life to focus on bringing a little happiness. ...But did you know? There is a more personal yet still anonymous option. In recent years there are places like help centers, malls and other organizations, which allow someone to actually pick and choose an item for which a child is dreaming of having. Depending on the place you choose, this can be as specific as a girl or boy, their age, sometimes even their first name, etc. You can choose a girl of an age that you really tend to adore, and if the gift she wishes for fits your budget or whatever other parameters you like to stick by, you can choose her wish and actually fulfill it. Again, anonymously. She will never know you and you won't get to see how happy you made her, but that's sort of the point. You get to know in your own heart that you were some little girl's Santa this year. Your bonus points come from receiving zero personal recognition for it. Nobody will know but you. If all of this confuses or bores you, then you are not the ones I am talking to. If you get it, then I really hope you do it. ======================================================================= I had only heard the audio part of this, but this weird video was the only source I could find: "Or did you forget? ..I do that sometimes." After my watery-eyed sniffles and near cry-session, I eventually located the audio online. Wish is was on Youtube. Perhaps my search terms were wrong. (Any endorsement of state-sponsored war-profiteering is not intended.) ![]() |