GirlChat #743989

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And Signal not secure, last I heard, anyway.

Posted by Eeyore on Saturday, August 31 2024 at 4:26:58PM
In reply to Strange situation for Telegram posted by walkinginthepark on Thursday, August 29 2024 at 10:47:35AM

I don't keep myself completely up to date on these things, partly because I don't engage in anything risky (though the definition of what is risky is ever-changing these days), and because I'm much more antisocial these days when it comes to privately communicating in real time with fellow girl lovers. Once upon a time, it was a novelty and a matter of self-discovery to get to know many people privately, but those times have long passed in my case. So while the attacks on these apps don't affect me much personally, it is still a chilling development.

The problem of encryption of course, is that both good and malevolent aims and goals make use of it, but at the very same time, one cannot trust any of these state actors to swear they will only demand certain info or only use their demanded so-called backdoors to address true criminality. Over and over again, these tools consistently wind up being used for reasons of manipulation and power grabs instead. That outcome is an absolute given, proven by example over and over again.

Macron is about the biggest little weasel of all the globalist minions. Heard he invited the guy to dinner or something. France has had a recent string of corrupt weasel leaders, TBH. Trudeau in Canada isn't so far behind on the minion scale.

Meanwhile, that tyranical judge in Brazil who wants to imprison all his political foes by demanding X give up its information on its users is another example of how all of these power hungry psychopaths are trying to convince the public today that speech amounts to terrorism and violence. My worry is that the punlic is being so methodically dumbed-down over time that they might be starting to buy into this ploy. How long before they start actually *demanding* the removal of the right to speak freely?

It is already a common thing among younger people to cheer on censorship of the ideas they personally detest and disagree with. This reflects an inability to reason and take that logic to its natural conclusion. Eventually it will be their own viewpoints being censored by the very power structure they cheered on. So many Useful Idiots. I suppose societies have allowed this to happen, so perhaps these idiots are only a reflection of our own global complacency.



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