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internet VS IRL

Posted by paper-doll on Friday, July 12 2024 at 11:26:23AM
In reply to upward trajectory posted by Baldur on Sunday, January 14 2024 at 02:01:05AM

I've seen little to indicate that people on the internet are usually okay with pedos.

Of course, there's the plethora of child models on social media like instagram which indicates a huge appetite for kids' skin. But the pedo-narrative looks dim. And any pro-pedo, pedo-rights, or openly MAP accounts are shut down by the powers that be. So there is Big Brother moderating which can skew the reality.

Regardless, the thing about the internet is that opinions are exaggerated and reactionary. The small fires of prejudice get gasoline when posted online, flaring into burning hate.

IRL, only a couple of people were wholly uncomfortable* with me being an out-of-the-toybox pedo. All my other dozen friends were/are totally fine with it. Join in on the jokes. One woman (attractive, straight Asian woman in her 20s who helped run a local LGTBQ+ group as an ally) even bought me little girl underwear as a gag gift. LOL

Most girlfriends I've had (all adults my age mind you) were fine with it.
People are not prejudice about those they know. It's the creepy strangers (and truly, there's a ton of creeps online, pedo or telio).

*it takes only one pedophobe calling the pigs to make a whole thing out of your sexuality. If you're gonna be out, kids, don't be breaking the law. While I think more of us lawful MAPs should come out of the toybox, the dangerous of ruining one's current life are real and should not be understated.


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