GirlChat #743832

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Talented, super cute and big ears, as someone said

Posted by Plyushkin on Friday, June 07 2024 at 01:19:49AM
In reply to Fascinating and exotic little 6 year old dancer posted by Plyushkin on Thursday, June 06 2024 at 07:13:15AM

Her facial expressions in that video are lovely, those furtive sideways glances, sly and seductive little smiles, done with such a good taste that you don't get a "cheap" impression, which is a problem with many other videos on the net.

This is her best video I have found so far. You can take the link in my original post down and watch it later, after a safe delay. Hell, I could even fall in love with this girl if she always looked like that and always would be 6 years old!


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