GirlChat #743817

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Screw These Gay-Paree Olympics, Tho.

Posted by Eeyore on Friday, May 31 2024 at 03:37:23AM

Dude, they're not even allowing certain countries to participate. WTF???

The entire **idea** of the Olympics, post-ancient-nude-male times, has been to place national political differences *aside* just once every few years, and allow various nations to express and shine in their own ways. This carries a vital importance not noted by many today.

Somebody, somewhere, has utterly ruined that mutual understanding. And it's not forgivable to the original intent of a global olympic competition.

Look how I didn't even need to mention this time around, how banned underage girls are nevertheless far better at gymnastics than women with large heavy breasts and thunder thighs!

The French people surely know better. I want to believe that. Their leaders are owned.

I also want to believe viewership proves so bad that the kill-the-infidels terrorists decide it's not even worth their time. This is my grand hope.

Still, I would never attend a crowded olympic event in France. I mean, seriously. Who in their right mind?


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