GirlChat #743803

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Dear Ethnic Brain Surgeon Who's Son Targeted Me:

Posted by Eeyore on Sunday, May 19 2024 at 7:45:54PM high school in the 80's:

Yeah, I admit, I was low-key scratching my itchy balls through my pockets.

But so what??

Your son's vocal reference to me about playinng "pinball" was FAR less concerning to society than his own obsessive penchant for a youthfully attractive white-male side-kick, who merely parroted everything he said while they both had curious access to prescription pills and covertly distributed them to the entire high school under the sign of the reverent cross.

How did society absorb that penchant of your son, pray tell?

Oh, it was never revealed? I had witnesses regarding your son on his off-time, dickhead. I remember his penchants. You're probably dead, but he's not.

So suck on my salty pinballs!

Bing-bing? What's my high score?

There. That's my high score. Hope your dickheaded adult son sees this.


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