GirlChat #743795

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"Girl Love" vs "GirlLove"

Posted by Dante on Sunday, May 12 2024 at 1:35:35PM
In reply to Please help us, my classic young lady. posted by Eeyore on Friday, May 10 2024 at 04:30:53AM

Was it ever different?

"Girl Chat" is all discussions of chat between girls. "GirlChat" will lead to us.

IIRC, I found GC by looking up the term "Pedophilia," and following the internet rabbit hole.

And now the resultant info from the nons for that search skews much better post DSM-V.

The top search result for "GirlLove" is the Wikipedia disambiguation page with its use as a synonym for Pedophilia the 1st result.

In an image search the top page leads to the Heart symbol.



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