GirlChat #743410
Your hairdos are admittedly, absolutely impeccible, but you have lately not been living up to my Lipchitz standard.
Please stare for minutes at this image which my parents found enough value in to place upon a wall that I was left to haplessly try to find meaning in. It's shitty art. You peeps have an endless supply of such shitty art. I already knew it was shitty when I was only five. You fucks drove me to the Dutch Masters even before middle school, and I wasn't even a connisuer of art. I just knew instinctively what was genuinely talented, and not overrided by talent-killing pent-up hostility. Your alterations of traditional art don't just suck... they are depressing and un-inspieing. But that's always been the goal, no? ![]() • ( https link ) Your endlessly shitty art. [Anonymouse] |