GirlChat #743398

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The internet is so fake.

Posted by Eeyore on Saturday, November 04 2023 at 8:30:39PM

And big money always creates an artificial reality, which it seems Gen Z is now totally hypnotized by, having known nothing else before it.

Oddly enough, it was the "new" Beatles song that inspired this post. Sure, visually creative to the max, and all the wizardry that money can buy. However, the song is rather crappy, which the mere fact that it was never released previously should reveal. The entire thing relies purely on nostalgia alone, which for that band, is still a pretty sure bet as a money maker, so no lack of financial risk-takers there.

Then I scrolled through hundreds of shit-fake Youtube comments, with every last one of them absolutely glowing. Seriously? Not even ONE unimpressed reaction?? Oh, then there's the obligatory comment that exists for ALL past music hits: The so-called kid who states his "I am only" age in the comment, folloed by great appreciation, earning it lots of thumbs-ups by elderly fans who are desperate to know their music shall live on through this automated troll, who seems to be absolutely everywhere in older music.

BLAH. I may have half a dozen old Beatles tunes that I truly adore, mostly because they feel incredibly honest and personal, but this latest travesty is a lesson in money-making kitsch of the purest form.

I'm still not onboard with Frank Zappa's verdict of The Beatles, but this one didn't exactly do them any favors:p

Also, pretty sure at least one or more of them probably did some "private" favors for their ghey manager. Lately I think many of those early bands were required to do a little "servicing" in order to achieve stardom, though I could be wrong I suppose.

Meh. Nothing is real, but nothing to get hung about. Unless you're tempted to dime on your fellow ultra-wealthy loli lovers. We've all seen how that goes:p

Just spouting and musing at random.


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