GirlChat #742674

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I'm surprised more pedophiles don't watch anime

Posted by Butterfly Kisses on Thursday, April 06 2023 at 3:04:34PM

Over the years I have known people in this community who did like anime, but it was few. Oddly enough I watched kidomo no Jikan which is a pedo fan service anime, but never watched more. Guess the drawn aspect and thinking that was pretty much it in terms of pedophile fan service is what stopped me. But, now I've been watching more and have discovered something.

Anime is fairly pedo centric. Even in things that are centered around adults and war have fan service for pedos with cute kids and panty shots. It was weird watching a war movie anime then see a scene with a cute girl showering. Doesn't show anything really, but it's clear why it was in there due to the poses and length.

It's also a lot more positive than Western Media right now which I think all people, but especially pedos need in their lives. Can't non stop drink from the well of nihilism and negativity without catching something from it.

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