GirlChat #742234
True, the US does place some minor restrictions on male sexual adventurism. "Minor," Lemon? Let us keep the AoC laws in mind. Let us keep those college rules in mind, where men are expected to navigate countless loopholes in a futile attempt to have sufficiently honored "consent" according to these misandrist rule books. But it doesn't go far enough in protecting women and girls. Translation: As long as any semblance of due process and evidence-based procedure exists, women and girls are not "protected" enough. And as long as women and girls are allowed too much agency, they are likewise not "protected" enough. Democracy and its rules of jurisprudence are bad for women and girls. Porn needs to be abolished, Lack of female agency in choosing sexual expression due to sex-negative views and the idea that only men have desires, and these are bad. Support of authoritarian measures, i.e., democracy is bad. and the AoC needs to be increased to 25 Mmmhmm. That goes along with the denial of agency for women for as long as you can realistically think you can get away with it, and to maximize the amount of men who get into trouble for natural, simple sexual desires. Women are to be considered sacred territory, no matter how they feel about it, with men the equivalent of dragons and moral crusaders/authoritarians like yourself the equivalent of noble knights in shining armor. Once that is accomplished, you set a precedent to argue that 25 is not old enough, and go for 30. And so on and so on... and is also consistent with the most recent neurological research which shows that the brain is not fully developed until that age. And also often regarded as a form of pseudo-science that in no way determines actual competence, because the brain changes throughout life, and it's level of development often depends on level of experience, lifestyle, etc. But regressive beliefs like this provide good excuses for authoritarianism, so this is incorporated into your worldview. All of which proves how moral crusaders are authoritarian oligarchs who attempt to cloak their tyranny under layers of virtue armor and glittery euphemisms. |