GirlChat #742200
"...bullied her into feeling compelled to reveal her real life info here...."
and THIS is a good example of why the AoC needs to be 18, possibly higher. The idea that teen girls and teen women have complete agency in the face of adult authority and male power is categorically false. If a young lady can be coerced into doing something against her will that is damaging and harmful to herself simply by words on a screen, typed by an adult male, how easy is it to sexually abuse and exploit a girl when the adult man is standing face to face with her, staring her down, speaking with authority?? Add to that, the strong pro-social emotions that girls have, and they are easily manipulated. I am in favor of creating strong families, human bonds, and bringing men and women together for positive life-affirming relationships, whatever the age...BUT please let's not act like powerless underage girls are masters of their own destiny. They require protection, and are unable to protect themselves due to the trifecta of legal restrictions (they are in adult custody), psychological motivations (they are obligated to others by their sense of loyalty and emotional attachments), and social factors (sexual bullying at school and in the culture writ large, the dehumanization of girls/women, proliferation of porn, etc). |