GirlChat #740811
I lived alone and hidden away from the world using a tent from October 2020 until November 2021. I established my own personal camp that was progressively formed in a thick grove of bamboo on the side of a hill - without electricity, running water, or rental bills to pay. I did a lot of thinking during my retreat, and I learned a lot since I've been away. It was one of the best experiences of my life. I have no regrets.
...I almost died once during the winter of 2021 - not because of the subzero temperatures, but because there was an incredibly rare ice storm that caused the branches of many trees to get weighed down, snap, drop, and crush whatever was below with hundreds of pounds/kilograms of force... which is what almost happened to me one night around 4am. Really glad I made it out alive, as I had befriended and become a mentor to many children (a young tribe/clique of about 16 total, between 5-12 years old - mostly boys) near the elementary school I was living near, and never would have wanted them to hear about something tragic that had happened to me. As I was a mentor to them, failure was not an option. I wanted to gain their trust and set a good example, just like any parent would want for their own children - to be a hero in their little eyes and minds, or at least someone who is 'super-cool' that they could always depend on to provide answers to questions coming straight from the cheat-sheet of life. I am glad I was able to stay alive for them, more than anyone else. I'm obviously still obsessed with 'putting children first' (which includes animal children too in case it wasn't clear before!). I have returned because I still want to chat about children with certain types of open-minded and intelligent adults (that means you!) so with that said I am interested in asking questions (I have over 52 already written) to anyone who is willing to participate in my desire to collect feedback and opinions. I hope to post a single question maybe once a week, for many weeks, and see what happens. I would like to write a book or lengthy piece of writing about why we as humans should put all children first, but will not feel 100% ready to do that until I've spoken to other people and hear their thoughts about children. Just so you know - I no longer live in a tent - I work at a hospital and have my own apartment now - and am still friends with the children I mentioned, but I have not seen them in a long time since I have been busy working, reading, writing, and resurrecting myself. Thanks you in advance for your time - chat with you later. |