GirlChat #740233

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Posted by Dissident on Thursday, February 10 2022 at 8:29:19PM
In reply to Getting down to specifics posted by Stephen James on Thursday, February 10 2022 at 06:40:20AM

Do you know what is actually happening in high schools and elementary schools? Are there a significant number of concrete cases where straight students have been made to feel bad about their orientation?

Yes. Many of the tactics used to shame, demoralize, and socially emasculate white male heteros on college campuses are gradually leaking into implementation in high schools, and from there into elementary schools. This only makes sense since mainstream academia is currently controlled by SJWs. This takes the form of things such as:

1. the creation of "safe spaces" where no one who is white male hetero are allowed. What message does this send?

2. The elimination of any historical examples of minorities who acted in any way other than heroic from the syllabus, with negative examples of white male heteros left intact.

3) The incorporation of Critical Race Theory into the syllabus, which re-invents American history as being driven entirely by conflict between the white and black race, with the former as essentially the villains and the elimination from the historical record of any white people that stood up for the emancipation of blacks, including the abolitionists in the pre-Civil War era and the many white civil rights leaders of the 20th century. There is now a serious backlash started against it by the Right, since the classical Left are mostly too chickenshit to confront the extremists who claim the mantle of "Left."

4) The forcing of numerous pro-gay books into school libraries rather than simply allowing for a reasonable number that do not give the impression of pandering and trying to impose the idea that a certain lifestyle and gay-led version of the nuclear family unit is a fabulous thing instead of simply a value-neutral and morally acceptable variation of the mainstream unit that can work for people who are naturally gay.

5) Imposing the adoption of the use of gender-neutral pronouns to the point of instigating a trend where students feel it's more socially acceptable and "cool" to consciously consider these alternatives to identifying as male or female instead of simply going with one's naturally innate being. As a result, we have large numbers of young people, particularly girls, who do not seem to be naturally gender dysmorphic who are suddenly deciding, at age 15, that they are not the gender they were biologically born with and even demanding hastily administered hormone treatments and risky surgical realignment without taking heed of legitimate medical regulation that even adults are subjected to.


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