GirlChat #731420
I don't look at that material and have never felt the need to defend it (I've only ever wanted real genuine intamacy legalized), but I am aware of the history of it. It was centered in Ukraine, and two cities that seem to remain in my head from word of mouth passed on to me from fellow posters are Odessa and.. (search engine to jog memory).. Kharkov/Kharkiv. I have no idea if those people really knew anything, but hang around with people who warm up to you and sometimes they start to talk to you about things you knew nothing about. They also don't post here anymore, so I can't ask them to offer more info.
Not to induce scandal, but I also heard some of the girls were doing favors for politicians in their home country, which is claimed to be why said material apparently flourished unhindered for so long. Considering the Epstein stuff in the US, it's not exactly hard to believe anymore. The common folk are subjected to a different set of rules from elites, and this is pretty much the global norm. "I understand the fact that these nude photo sets of me cause sexual feelings for everyone. Not only "perverts" are affected by them. These photos are pieces of art." BING BING! Red Flag. I wouldn't disagree with the assertion, but it still doesn't sound like something that would come out of the mouth of a non-pedo. A former larger-than-life (in his own mind at least) poster here by the name of Sibelius taught me years ago by his own confession that fake online testimonials secretly made by pedos themselves are (unfortunately) rampant. Unless her identity was confirmed, that statement quite honestly sounds like something from the mouth of somebody attracted to girls, but I'm not unwilling to accept that it could also be real. I have no idea about the board you speak of or what rules were in place to make sure the people were really who they claimed to be. If they didn't verify the identity of the models, then it was a completely useless realm of sheer fantasy. I was further told by other girl lovers that some of the girls were taken "on vacation" to various beautiful places for photo shoots without their parents, all expenses paid. One would think that by now, if there was any activity beyond taking nude photos, it would have taken place on said excursions, and the scandals would have made the rounds in the girl love community by now. I might just be out of the loop (which is completely possible these days), but I never heard anything about actual sexual activity other than the bit about doing favors for Ukrainian politicians, and that easily could have just been an attempt to smear them. On the other hand, it does seem odd that the producers seemed to be let off the hook during a time of complete pedo-paranoia in the West. Who really knows. Not I. As I always said, I'd rather spend my time speaking out for real relationships rather than the empty temporary shallow fix of pornography. The latter will always be out there anyway, as long as the demand exists. ![]() |