GirlChat #721939
I haven't looked them up in years, but there were several studies done in the 1980s. Penile plesmythographs for measuring sexual arousal, and various visual and aural stimuli featuring women and girls, perhaps others. (I'm sure they must have had some control groups also.)
Response rates for men ranged from 20% to 32% for arousal to prepubescent girls that was equal to or greater than the response to women, with, IIRC, at least one study getting some measurable response to stimuli featuring prepubescent girls from 89% of men. The important thing to note about the FBI investigation is that they also used the penile plesmythograph method to discriminate between "situational" and "preferential" offenders. They do not seem to have made the connection to the responses of the general public, however. They only noted that 20% of offenders were "preferential". Keep in mind that the studies finding a range from 20% to 32% advertised for subjects with an explanation of what they were researching, and it seems very likely that men who were fully aware of their interests might have considered it unwise to show up and be measured - so the true numbers could be considerably higher than 32%. By contrast, the FBI investigation used a more random sample. More on prevalence here. Unfortunately the links to the image files showing the actual posters from the presentation now appear to be broken, but one speculated that taking the possibility that men aware of their attractions declined to participate, the real number of preferential pedophiles could be over 40%. The posters also gave a more complete account of which studies were referenced, but the above link might at least give you a starting point. You will also note that these numbers are largely supported by anonymous self-assessments, which would be expected to be slightly lower as even on anonymous self-assessments we know a certain number of respondents will lie about such things. Exclusive pedophiles are, of course, far fewer - probably less than 5%. Baldur ![]() • ( https link ) Heretic TOC: Prevalence [Anonymouse] |