GirlChat #721869
"(Mundane hint: In modern usage, underlining means people expect a hot link. Use some other means to indicate emphasis)."
Colour-blind much? The colour conveys the hot link, the underlining incidentally accompanies it but calls attention to the text to emphasize a point OR a link. ;p "In research terms, that's an N of 1. If you consult with buddies on GC, it might get a bit higher. Survey child molesters in prison and you'd find something quite different among that large population." Ever heard of the idea that you cannot draw conclusions about the population you didn't study? Prison studies of rapists find that heterosexuality is a precursor to rape in 100% of the hetero rapists studied. * Sheesh * "Sorry - did you just compare sexual activity and taking crystal meth?" "Yes, I did. There are differences -- but are they relevant?" LOL. More absurd hysteric analogies. Dang, I musta been doing it all wrong with the ex-wife since our technique didn't involve syringes or crack-pipes. When you are ready to write your version of the Kama-Sutra, I wanna smoke that. ( Hint, try lurking moar at non-Ped sites and listening to the Normies if you wanna pass for human. ) Dante ![]() ![]() |